The 2022 data for the City of Madison’s Neighborhood Indicators Project (NIP) is now available!
The NIP provides geographically detailed data for over 50 variables within seven topic areas. This includes measures such as total population, number of dwelling units, subsidized rental units, high mobility students and so on. It is supported by various data sources that range from city, county, state and federal data sources.
The 2022 Edition also includes a significant improvement. Data is now provided at two commonly used Census geographies – Tracts and Block Groups. Using Tracts and Blocks Groups makes it easier to compare results for areas across Madison, since these geographies generally contain a similar number of residential units. Additionally, the NIP’s local data can be considered within the context of other data reported at the Tract and Block Group geography.
Interested in learning more about NIP data and the NIP website? The City of Madison Planning Division offers free workshops to local organizations. Please contact Urvashi Martin at for more details.
NIP is a partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Applied Population Lab.
Public Market Open House September 12
The Market is a few short months away from ground-breaking, and the community is invited to a sneak preview with 20+ local vendors, including exciting newer businesses and a few of Madison’s long-time favorites. Vendors will offer culinary specialties from a variety of cultures and unique handmade goods.
Ready! Set! Market! Open House
Tuesday, Sept. 12, 5 – 8pm
Future home of the Madison Public Market
(200 N. First St. near E. Johnson & N. First)
Parking is available in the back of the building or on nearby streets. RSVP is appreciated but not mandatory – it will help get you through event check-in more quickly. More details are here:
Spanish Language Book Fair September 16
In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, Madison Public Library will host a Spanish-Language Book Fair on Saturday, September 16 from 9:30am-2pm. The event will highlight the Library’s Spanish-language collection for adults and children. “In the last 5 years, members of the Library’s Collection Management Team have participated twice in the Feria Internacional del Libro in Guadalajara, Mexico to source books for our libraries,” said Holly Storck-Post, a Children’s Collection Librarian for Madison Public Library, and one of the librarians who traveled to the book fair.
Participate in Madison Public Library Strategic Planning
The Madison Public Library leadership invites community input as it plans for the future of its services. The library will complete a 3-year strategic plan this fall and people can participate in one of two ways:
- Complete a short, 11-minute survey through September 30, online or at any Madison Public Library
- Attend a 90-minute virtual feedback session, September 20, 12-1:30pm
Links to both the survey and virtual feedback session are at The Library will share its final strategic plan with the community in winter 2023.
Mayor’s Capital Budget Proposal
Mayor Rhodes-Conway released her 2024 Executive Capital Budget and 6-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), which detail her funding proposals for buildings, infrastructure and other capital investments in Madison. The Capital Budget is half of the City’s budget. In October, the Mayor will introduce her 2024 Executive Operating Budget, which focuses on services, staffing and programs. Learn more HERE
Streets Division Updates
- We are trying out a new way for residents to find their collection schedules that should be pretty simple. It’s a map-based tool available right here and on the brush, yard waste, and collection schedule webpages. Just click on the “Try Lookup Map” button on those pages. The old way is still available if you prefer, but we’re trying to improve on the consistent problem of people struggling to get their address to work in the form on our page. If that’s been you, please try the lookup map. We are in the testing phase, so we are looking for feedback, too. If you use this new map tool and have some opinions, please follow the feedback link on the map tool page to let us know. We will appreciate hearing from you.
- Brush collection is ending soon. Don’t miss your final curbside chance – some neighborhoods have already had their final pickup for the year. Get your set out dates at
- Yard waste collection begins in October. Get your set out dates for yard waste at
- Yard waste and brush are very different things. Don’t confuse them. If you combine piles of yard waste and brush the crews won’t collect them.
- When the leaves start coming down, it’s the perfect time to start composting. Many resources to get you started can be found at and free guides can be picked up from your local Madison Public Library branch.
- Don’t forget about the food scraps drop-off program. The last day is fast approaching, and we’re getting closer and closer to our goal of 16,000 pounds, or the weight of two hippopotamuses! Learn how you can participate and get us all the way to #doublehippo at
Madison is Music Pilot Program
Four local bands will be performing at the Confluence at Library Mall from September 14 to September 17. This is pilot program called #MadisonIsMusic, which aims to bolster cultural tourism, raise awareness of spaces available to musicians downtown for amplified performances, and affirm Madison’s identity as a music city. Find more info HERE.