Local redistricting is happening now! The City’s Redistricting Committee needs your feedback on two Alder District Concepts Maps by Sunday September 26th.
Local redistricting is the process of redrawing the City’s wards and alder districts based on population changes since 2010. Redistricting determines how communities and neighborhoods are assembled into alder districts and other voting districts.
The two alder district concept maps: 1. Concept 5a, 2. Concept 6
Leave your feedback on the comment map: Redistricting Comment Map
Or drop into any Madison Public Library to see the 2 large print draft maps through this Sunday, September 26 and fill out a paper feedback form.
Visual storymap about the redistricting process: Redistricting Storymap
Check out cityofmadison.com/Redistricting for more information and subscribe to updates.
Please forward this email to your friends, neighbors, colleagues, or others, and encourage them to get involved in the City of Madison redistricting efforts. Thank you for helping to spread the word!
Any questions, please email redistricting@cityofmadison.com
The City of Madison is celebrating National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2021. To learn more visit: