MadLit – Spoken Word Showcase today August 12, 8pm on Top of State St.

The Mad Lit event series started last year to revitalize State Street businesses and culture, which took a hit during the height of the pandemic. Mad Lit is a part of Greater Madison Music City and supported by the Urban Community Arts Network and the Madison Arts Commission.

Dane Dances continues today August 12.  Please join Dane Dances as we reconnect after a long couple of years staying safe, wearing masks and social distancing to get through the Covid 19 pandemic.  We invite you to now get out, get up, get down and get together. For more info visit

Parks Alive Continues! Free Food, Games, and More …

Parks Alive is a collaborative effort across multiple City departments and involves many community-based stakeholders and mobile resources. Free meals and snacks, Madison School and Community Recreation Fit 2 Go Van, Madison Public Library Bubbler Artist and youth activities, DreamBus, Madison Reading Project, bike rides, and much more!

Click on the Parks Division events calendar to see Parks Alive and other activities:

Parks Alive ~ Elver Park

Monday, August 15
4:30 – 7:30pm

Food Cart: Churros Blossoms (serving 4:30p-7:30p)

Parks Alive  – Meadowood Park

Wednesday, August 17
4:30 – 8:45pm

Movie: Brother Bear

Movie details: When a young Inuit hunter needlessly kills a bear, he is magically changed into a bear himself as punishment with a talkative cub being his only guide to changing back.

Town of Madison Attachment in-person Discussion on August 18th at 6pm

Join an in-person public information meeting to learn about how City of Madison services will impact Town of Madison residents after October 31, 2022. Various City agencies will be available to answer questions such as Streets Division, Engineering Division, Water Utility, Building Inspection, Metro, Madison Police Department and Madison Fire Department. Food, child care and interpretation in Spanish will be provided.

Join Us! Review Initial Drafts from the Hawthorne-Truax Neighborhood Plan

The Planning Division will present initial draft concepts and recommendations from the Hawthorne-Truax Neighborhood Plan for review and feedback at a series of public meetings, events and activities.

  • August 23 and 24 -Virtual Concept Review. Register on the project’s website for one of the Virtual Meetings: August 23, 6-7pm or August 24, 12-1pm. Both meetings will include review and feedback on initial draft neighborhood plan concepts and recommendations.
  • August 25 – Hawthorne-truax neighborhood plan review and Community Night Out. Join us 4-7pm in the Hawthorne Elementary Open Space, 3458 Lexington Ave., Madison, WI 53714 for food, family fun, and review of initial draft plan concepts and recommendations. RAIN DATE: September 1, 4-7pm
  • August 27 – Splish Splash Concept Review. Review initial draft plan concepts and recommendations while enjoying the Reindahl Park Splash Pad, 1818 Portage Rd., 11am-2pm
  • August 30 and September 6- Food Pantry Feedback. Staff will be at the East Madison Community Center food pantry to gather feedback on the initial draft plan concepts and recommendations. East Madison Community Center, 7 Straubel Ct, August 30 & September 6, 11am-1pm
  • September 6 & 7 Madison College Conversations. Staff will be at Madison College to gather feedback on initial draft concepts and recommendations with Madison College students and community members. Madison College Lobby, 1701 Wright St. September 6 & September 7, 11am-1pm.

Streets Division Updates

  • Curbside brush collection is winding down for 2022. Before you put brush out for pickup, check to see when the next collection will be for your home. The brush schedule can be found at
  • Did your trash & recycling date change? If you live on the west side, it might have changed on August 1, 2022. Get your collection calendar at
  • Do you have a question about the new Resource Recovery Special Charge? If you do, head over to and check out the Resource Recovery Special Charge page for an extensive FAQ about this new charge.

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