2022-09-09 Neighborhood News & Updates

Mayor Rhodes-Conway Releases 2023 Executive Capital Budget Prioritizing Affordable Housing, Climate Resiliency and Strong Neighborhoods.

Yesterday, Mayor Rhodes-Conway released her 2023 Executive Capital Budget and 6-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), which detail her funding proposals for buildings, infrastructure and other capital investments in Madison. The Capital Budget is one major piece of the City’s budget. In a month, she will introduce her 2023 Executive Operating Budget, which focuses on services, staffing and programs. (See included links for the full capital budget, summary and project map.)

MadLit and a new rainbow crossing at the top of State St!

Kinfolk with Romey, Bobdahippie today September 9, 8pm on Top of State St. This is a great opportunity for you to enjoy local music and appreciate the new rainbow crossing at the top of State St. that aims to celebrate the contributions of the LGBTQIA+ community.

The Mad Lit event series started last year to revitalize State Street businesses and culture, which took a hit during the height of the pandemic. Mad Lit is a part of the Greater Madison Music City project and supported by the Urban Community Arts Network and the Madison Arts Commission.

Street Closures on Sunday September 11 Several streets in and around downtown will be closed for the Ironman Triathlon on Sunday, September 11. The race consists of swimming in Lake Monona, bicycling in Dane County, and running in the downtown/campus area. The race starts at 6:45 a.m. and lasts until approximately midnight. Police will maintain local access across the route only when possible during gaps in the runners/bicyclists. Thru-traffic driving across the route will not be permitted. Click here for more information.

Town of Madison Final Public Information Meeting

The City of Madison will hold a Final Public Information Meeting for the Town of Madison Attachment on October 20, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. This public meeting will be conducted virtually and prior registration is required. Join us to meet City of Madison staff and learn about the Town of Madison attachment.

Would you like to be part of the Police Civilian Oversight Board?

The application process for nominations and self-nominations for two (2) Common Council appointed seats and one (1) Mayoral appointed seat on the City of Madison Police Civilian Oversight Board has now been extended. The deadline for submitting nominations or self-nominations is now Friday, September 16, 2022 at 5:00pm.

Madison Public Library
is offering Birding Backpacks thanks to a generous donation from the Feminist Bird Club-Madison Chapter and the Madison Public Library Foundation . Birding Backpacks can be checked out for 7 days at a time and Madisonians will find two backpacks at each Madison Public Library location. No holds are available for the bags, so they are first-come, first-serve.

Streets Division Updates

Residents get three curbside collection opportunities in the fall – Yard waste and leaves can be placed on the terrace, which is the grassy space between the sidewalk and the curb. If no terrace is available, it can be placed at the road edge or in the driveway apron. Click here for more information.

Old Sauk Road speed reduction: The next 2022 roadway improvement scheduled through the Vision Zero initiative takes place on Monday, September 12, to a section of Old Sauk Road, from Westfield Road to the Beltline. Along with the previous speed changes occurring earlier this year on East Washington AvenueJohn Nolen Drive and Mineral Point Road, this speed reduction is another step forward towards the goal of zero deaths. For more information, see the news release.

September 22 Neighborhood Meeting

Please join us for a virtual neighborhood meeting where we will hear about Mad Grove LLC’s development proposal for 6801 and 6853 McKee Road. The proposed project would consist of two components:

  • A one-story commercial building of approximately 7,200 square feet for a funeral home operated by Ryan Funeral Homes, with approximately 78 surface parking stalls; and
  • A three-story mixed-use building with up to 140 residential units of varying types and up to 2,500 square feet of commercial space, with approximately 174 parking stalls, 144 of which would be under the building.

The proposed project would require rezoning and one or more conditional use approvals.

The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 22, 2022, at 6:30pm. You can join the virtual meeting using your computer, smartphone, or tablet, or you can listen in via telephone. You will receive login information after registering at www.cityofmadison.com/MeetingSeptember22McKee


  • Arboretum Adventure! On Sunday, September 11, 9:30am-12pm, you are invited to work on a land restoration project at the Arboretum, and then go on a short hike to explore this natural gem. All ages are welcome, and all participants will be entered to win a prize. Snacks will be provided. Meet at the Arbor Drive parking lot off of Monroe Street. If you are interested, please contact laura@cmcmadison.org to register.
  • Job fair: Centro Hispano of Dane County will be having a Community Connection Day on Thursday, September 15, 4pm-7pm, 810 Badger Road, El Mercadito. Industries represented will include health care, finance, biotech/manufacturing, customer service and hospitality. The goal is that anyone seeking employment can connect with potential employers in a community-centered environment. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP here.
  • Trucks & Treasure: See, climb, and explore the big rigs! Sell or shop the gently used toys, games, books, and more at the kids-to-kids garage sale. Join Madison Parks at Trucks & Treasures on Saturday, September 17, 9am-12pm, at Reindahl Park.

2022-08-26 Neighborhood News & Updates

News Story about Romantix (new adult-oriented store on McKee & Maple Grove):


MadLit – Spoken Word Showcase today August 26, 8pm on Top of State St.

The Mad Lit event series started last year to revitalize State Street businesses and culture, which took a hit during the height of the pandemic. Mad Lit is a part of Greater Madison Music City and supported by the Urban Community Arts Network and the Madison Arts Commission.

Dane Dances continues today August 26.  Please join Dane Dances as we reconnect after a long couple of years of staying safe, wearing masks and socially distancing to get through the Covid 19 pandemic.  We invite you to get out, get up, get down and get together. For more info visit https://danedances.org/

Lots of Parks Events Coming up! Check it out… Festivals, outdoor movies and more in late summer. Click on the Parks Division events calendar to see Parks activities:  https://www.cityofmadison.com/parks/calendar.

Town of Madison Zoning Hearing at Plan Commission … August 29 at 5:30 p.m. The City’s Plan Commission will conduct a public hearing, by virtual meeting, for the zoning of the Town of Madison properties on August 29, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. The Common Council will conduct a public hearing on the zoning of Town properties, by hybrid meeting, (in Room 201 of the City-County Building, 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. and virtually) on September 6, 2022 at 6:45 p.m. If you wish to register your support or opposition, or if you wish to speak at those meetings, please register in advance using instructions for participants noted on the agendas linked from the City of Madison Clerk’s website: https://www.cityofmadison.com/city-hall/committees/meeting-schedule.

Join Us! Review Initial Drafts from the Hawthorne-Truax Neighborhood Plan The Planning Division will present initial draft concepts and recommendations from the Hawthorne-Truax Neighborhood Plan for review and feedback at a series of pop-up activities. See below and on the City’s webpage: www.cityofmadison.com/HawthorneTruax

  • August 27 – Splish Splash Concept Review. Review initial draft plan concepts and recommendations while enjoying the Reindahl Park Splash Pad, 1818 Portage Rd., 11am-2pm
  • August 30 & September 6- Food Pantry Feedback. Staff will be at the East Madison Community Center food pantry to gather feedback on the initial draft plan concepts and recommendations. East Madison Community Center, 7 Straubel Ct, August 30 & September 6, 11am-1pm
  • September 6 & 7 Madison College Conversations. Staff will be at Madison College to gather feedback on initial draft concepts and recommendations with Madison College students and community members. Madison College Lobby, 1701 Wright St. September 6 & September 7, 11am-1pm.

Streets Division Updates

  • Curbside brush collection is winding down for 2022. Before you put brush out for pickup, check to see when the next collection will be for your home. The brush schedule can be found at www.cityofmadison.com/BrushCollection
  • Did your trash & recycling date change? If you live on the west side, it might have changed on August 1, 2022. Get your collection calendar at www.cityofmadison.com/CollecionSchedule
  • Do you have a question about the new Resource Recovery Special Charge? If you do, head over to www.cityofmadison.com/Recycling and check out the Resource Recovery Special Charge page for an extensive FAQ about this new charge.

U.W. Madison Welcome Week Events! Check out the U.W. Madison events calendar for welcome week activities: https://today.wisc.edu/

Virtual session on school safety

In partnership with the Madison Metropolitan School District’s Office of School Safety, Public Health Madison & Dane County’s Violence Prevention Unit is hosting a virtual session on school safety on Wednesday, August 31, 5pm – 6pm. The virtual session is free but registration is required. The session will be recorded and made available on PHMDC’s Violence Prevention Unit’s webpage. This is the third installment in the “Violence Prevention & Intervention Speaker Series”. The series will be sharing the latest violence prevention and intervention strategies, methodologies, and theories. It is open to everyone in the community

Monkeypox vaccination clinic

With expanded eligibility guidance from Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Public Health Madison Dane County has opened a monkeypox vaccination clinic. The clinic is open with limited hours on weekdays, by appointment only. Learn more about the updated eligibility and how to make an appointment at publichealthmdc.com/monkeypox. Monkeypox does not spread easily from person to person, and the virus is spreading mostly through close, intimate contact  with someone who has monkeypox.

Public notice to all customers of Madison Water Utility

Madison Water Utility has filed an application with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW) to increase water rates. The increase is necessary due to a 5.8 percent increase in gross plant investment and a 3.2 percent increase in operating expenses since the last water rate case was completed in 2020. The total increase in water revenues requested is $8,498,655, which will result in an estimated overall rate increase of 18.12 percent over the water utility’s present revenues. If the request is granted, the water charge for an average residential customer with a ?-inch or ¾-inch meter who uses 4,000 gallons of water per month will increase from $29.92 to $34.92, or 16.71%. This increase only applies to the Water charges on your bill. Charges for Sewer, Storm Water, Landfill, Resource Recovery, and Urban Forestry are not a part of this rate application. A virtual public hearing on the application has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 7, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. To learn more about the rate increase application and to register for the virtual public hearing, please read the Water Utility’s news release.

Speed reduction on Mineral Point Road

The next 2022 roadway improvement scheduled through the Vision Zero initiative takes place on Monday, August 29, to a section of Mineral Point Road, from S. Whitney Way to the Beltline. This speed reduction from 40 mph to 35 mph should not affect travel times on this stretch of roadway. Along with the previous speed changes occurring earlier this year on E. Washington Avenue and John Nolen Drive, this newest reduction will continue to work towards the goal of making Madison safer. Lowering the speed limit just 5 mph on this thoroughfare will not only decrease the likelihood of a serious or fatal crash but also increase the safety for all roadway users. Additional streets scheduled for speed limit reductions in 2022 include:

  • Old Sauk Road, from the Beltline to Westfield Road (reduced to 30 mph from 35 mph)
  • Portage Road, from E. Washington Avenue to Hanson Road (reduced to 25 mph from 30 mph)
  • Segoe Road, from University Avenue to Odana Road (reduced to 25 mph from 30 mph)

For each of these changes, along with updated permanent signs, staff will place temporary digital signboards in the area to remind drivers of the speed limit changes. Find more information in the news release.

2022-08-12 Neighborhood News & Updates

MadLit – Spoken Word Showcase today August 12, 8pm on Top of State St.

The Mad Lit event series started last year to revitalize State Street businesses and culture, which took a hit during the height of the pandemic. Mad Lit is a part of Greater Madison Music City and supported by the Urban Community Arts Network and the Madison Arts Commission.

Dane Dances continues today August 12.  Please join Dane Dances as we reconnect after a long couple of years staying safe, wearing masks and social distancing to get through the Covid 19 pandemic.  We invite you to now get out, get up, get down and get together. For more info visit https://danedances.org/

Parks Alive Continues! Free Food, Games, and More …

Parks Alive is a collaborative effort across multiple City departments and involves many community-based stakeholders and mobile resources. Free meals and snacks, Madison School and Community Recreation Fit 2 Go Van, Madison Public Library Bubbler Artist and youth activities, DreamBus, Madison Reading Project, bike rides, and much more!

Click on the Parks Division events calendar to see Parks Alive and other activities:  https://www.cityofmadison.com/parks/calendar.

Parks Alive ~ Elver Park

Monday, August 15
4:30 – 7:30pm

Food Cart: Churros Blossoms (serving 4:30p-7:30p)

Parks Alive  – Meadowood Park

Wednesday, August 17
4:30 – 8:45pm

Movie: Brother Bear

Movie details: When a young Inuit hunter needlessly kills a bear, he is magically changed into a bear himself as punishment with a talkative cub being his only guide to changing back.

Town of Madison Attachment in-person Discussion on August 18th at 6pm

Join an in-person public information meeting to learn about how City of Madison services will impact Town of Madison residents after October 31, 2022. Various City agencies will be available to answer questions such as Streets Division, Engineering Division, Water Utility, Building Inspection, Metro, Madison Police Department and Madison Fire Department. Food, child care and interpretation in Spanish will be provided.

Join Us! Review Initial Drafts from the Hawthorne-Truax Neighborhood Plan

The Planning Division will present initial draft concepts and recommendations from the Hawthorne-Truax Neighborhood Plan for review and feedback at a series of public meetings, events and activities.

  • August 23 and 24 -Virtual Concept Review. Register on the project’s website for one of the Virtual Meetings: www.cityofmadison.com/HawthorneTruax August 23, 6-7pm or August 24, 12-1pm. Both meetings will include review and feedback on initial draft neighborhood plan concepts and recommendations.
  • August 25 – Hawthorne-truax neighborhood plan review and Community Night Out. Join us 4-7pm in the Hawthorne Elementary Open Space, 3458 Lexington Ave., Madison, WI 53714 for food, family fun, and review of initial draft plan concepts and recommendations. RAIN DATE: September 1, 4-7pm
  • August 27 – Splish Splash Concept Review. Review initial draft plan concepts and recommendations while enjoying the Reindahl Park Splash Pad, 1818 Portage Rd., 11am-2pm
  • August 30 and September 6- Food Pantry Feedback. Staff will be at the East Madison Community Center food pantry to gather feedback on the initial draft plan concepts and recommendations. East Madison Community Center, 7 Straubel Ct, August 30 & September 6, 11am-1pm
  • September 6 & 7 Madison College Conversations. Staff will be at Madison College to gather feedback on initial draft concepts and recommendations with Madison College students and community members. Madison College Lobby, 1701 Wright St. September 6 & September 7, 11am-1pm.

Streets Division Updates

  • Curbside brush collection is winding down for 2022. Before you put brush out for pickup, check to see when the next collection will be for your home. The brush schedule can be found at www.cityofmadison.com/BrushCollection
  • Did your trash & recycling date change? If you live on the west side, it might have changed on August 1, 2022. Get your collection calendar at www.cityofmadison.com/CollecionSchedule
  • Do you have a question about the new Resource Recovery Special Charge? If you do, head over to www.cityofmadison.com/Recycling and check out the Resource Recovery Special Charge page for an extensive FAQ about this new charge.

Public Information Meeting: Pumping Station 17 Force Main Relief Phase 2

Pumping Station 17 Force Main Relief Phase 2
Public Information Meeting #2
You are invited to attend a public information meeting for the Pumping Station 17 Force Main Relief Phase 2 project.  This project will install a sewer to convey wastewater to the treatment plant. The public information meeting is Wednesday, August 24 from 5:30pm-7:30pm. This will be the second of four public meetings. The meeting will include a presentation on the project background, design progress, anticipated environmental impacts, potential corridor improvements, and next steps. Give your input on potential corridor improvements such as completing the Badger Mill Creek paved path (from Arbor Vitae Place to junction of Military Ridge State Trail), native species restoration, and Pheasant Lane trail widening. The presentation by the District, City of Verona, Town of Verona, Dane County, and Ice Age Trail Alliance staff will be followed by a Q&A period. You can register for the meeting, view route map, and find out more about the project on their website.

2022-07-29 Neighborhood News & Updates

Read Alder Nasra Wehelie’s blog post for this week here: https://www.cityofmadison.com/council/district7/blog/?Id=26731

MadLit Concert series continues TONIGHT! Come to top of State St. at 8:00 p.m. and enjoy local music by Kilo AKA Skitl’s, Juciee Monroe, Sira Sangare, Danielle Crim and DJ Ace. Presented By: Urban Community Arts Network, Greater Madison Music City Project.

Parks Alive Continues! Free Food, Games, and More …

Parks Alive is a collaborative effort across multiple City departments and involves many community-based stakeholders and mobile resources. Free meals and snacks, Madison School and Community Recreation Fit 2 Go Van, Madison Public Library Bubbler Artist and youth activities, DreamBus, Madison Reading Project, bike rides, and much more!

Click on the Parks Division events calendar to see Parks Alive and other activities: https://www.cityofmadison.com/parks/calendar.

Town of Madison Attachment in-person Discussion on August 18th at 6pm

Join an in-person public information meeting to learn about how City of Madison services will impact Town of Madison residents after October 31, 2022. Various City agencies will be available to answer questions such as Streets Division, Engineering Division, Water Utility, Building Inspection, Metro, Madison Police Department and Madison Fire Department. Food, child care and interpretation in Spanish will be provided.

Streets Division Round-Up

  • Attention West Siders! If you live west of South Park Street, you might have a new trash & recycling collection schedule starting on Monday, August 1.  Get your calendar today at www.cityofmadison.com/CollectionSchedule.
  • The downtown moving days are upon us! If you, or someone you know, is involved in the August moving days be sure you do it right by checking out the rules, restrictions, and donation opportunities at www.cityofmadison.com/MovingDays.
  • When you have large items for disposal make the work order before setting the items out for pickup.  And be sure to set the items out on the day you choose. Crews will not come by early.  Learn more about large item pickup at www.cityofmadison.com/LargeItem.
  • Brush collection is winding down for the year.  Most areas only have two more collections for 2022.  Learn the dates when you should sent out brush at www.cityofmadison.com/BrushCollection
  • Still confused about the Resource Recovery Special Charge? Check out www.cityofmadison.com/Recycling for an FAQ about this new charge that will appear on your municipal services bill and why it exists.

Outdoor Music Guide (OMG) now Available!

Live music became extremely challenging to host in-person in light of COVID restrictions. Music venues and musicians across Madison looked for creative alternatives to offer shows. The City received multiple inquiries about what was possible for performers who used amplification to do outdoor music while complying with Public Health policies. To assist musicians and music business owners, the City created the Outdoor Music Guide (OMG). It summarizes all the options based on City ordinances with the understanding that every activity is unique and other rules may apply.

Dane Dances is excited to kick-off their 23rd season on Friday August 5, 2022. Please join Dane Dances as we reconnect after a long couple of years staying safe, wearing masks and social distancing to get through the Covid 19 pandemic. We invite you to now get out, get up, get down and get together. For more info visit https://danedances.org/

Neighborhood Meeting 1-Aug

From the desk of District 7 Alder Nasra Wehelie:

I’ve heard concerns from several residents about a new retail establishment that is being constructed at 3154 Maple Grove Drive. The new business, Romantix, sells adult-related merchandise.

In response to these concerns, I am having a virtual neighborhood meeting at 6:30pm on Monday, August 1, 2022. Josh Porter, representing Romantix, will be on hand to talk about the business, and City staff from Zoning will be present to provide information about the City process. You will have the opportunity to ask questions.

You can join the virtual meeting using your computer, smartphone, or tablet, or you can listen in via telephone. You will receive login information after registering at www.cityofmadison.com/MeetingAugust1MapleGrove.

Please send your questions for the meeting to Debbie Fields at dfields@cityofmadison.com by noon on Friday, July 29.

2022-07-15 Neighborhood News & Updates

Parks Alive Continues! Free Food, Games, and More …

Parks Alive is a collaborative effort across multiple City departments and involves many community-based stakeholders and mobile resources. Free meals and snacks, Madison School and Community Recreation Fit 2 Go Van and other activities, Madison Public Library Bubbler Artist and youth activities, DreamBus, Madison Reading Project, bike rides, and much more!

Click on the Parks Division events calendar to see Parks Alive and other events and activities:  https://www.cityofmadison.com/parks/calendar.

Parks Alive ~ Elver Park

Monday, July 18, 2022
4:30pm to 7:30pm

Parks Alive ~ Lift Leopold

Tuesday, July 19, 2022
4:30pm to 7:30pm

Parks Alive ~ Meadowood Park

Wednesday, July 20, 2022
4:30pm to 7:30pm

Parks Alive | Movies with Madison Parks – Jungle Cruise

Monday, July 25, 2022
4:30pm to 8:15pm

Parks Alive | Movies with Madison Parks – Moana

Tuesday, July 26, 2022
1:00pm to 7:30pm

Parks Alive ~ Darbo/Worthington Park

Tuesday, July 26, 2022
4:30pm to 8:00pm

Parks Alive ~ Increase the Peace | Movies with Madison Parks – The Secret Garden

Wednesday, July 27, 2022
4:30pm to 8:45pm

Parks Alive ~ It Takes a Village

Thursday, July 28, 2022
1:00pm to 4:00pm

Town of Madison Attachment in-person Discussion on August 18th at 6pm

Join an in-person public information meeting to learn about how City of Madison services will impact Town of Madison residents after October 31, 2022. Various City agencies will be available to answer questions such as Streets Division, Engineering Division, Water Utility, Building Inspection, Metro, Madison Police Department and Madison Fire Department.

Streets Division

  • Trash & recycling calendars are changing for about 9,000 west side residents starting August 1.  Make sure you have the right calendar for your home at www.cityofmadison.com/CollectionSchedule.
  • Master Recycler class returns July 20, 2022!  You can sign up to the take the class today at www.sustaindane.org/Better.
  • The annual downtown student move out is just a few weeks away!  Learn more about these moving days at www.cityofmadison.com/MovingDays.
  • Even if you aren’t moving, this is a good time to remind folks that we have so many thrift store opportunities in Madison that are eager to accept your usable goods to give them a second life instead of just clogging the landfill.  A partial list of these resources can be found here: https://www.cityofmadison.com/streets/programs/reuseIt.cfm
  • Brush collection is slowly winding down for the year. Make sure you don’t miss your brush pickup opportunities by getting your schedule at www.cityofmadison.com/BrushCollection

Madison City MUSIC

Second MadLit Concert Tonight at 8! 
Tonight, Mad Lit will return to the top of State Street featuring Latinx performers such as Grupo Candela, La Combi and DJ Chamo. For more information visit ourgmmc.org/madlit .

Dane Dances is excited to kick-off their 23rd season on Friday August 5, 2022.  Please join Dane Dances as we reconnect after a long couple of years staying safe, wearing masks and social distancing to get through the Covid 19 pandemic.  We invite you to now get out, get up, get down and get together. For more info visit https://danedances.org/


The City has a nice explanation of what you need to consider if you’re looking at putting in a fence: https://www.cityofmadison.com/development-services-center/1-2-family-residential/repairs-replacements/fence-or-hedge

If you are in the Sandstone Ridge subdivisions, there are additional approvals required, due to the neighborhood covenants. You can see those requirements here: https://www.cityofmadison.com/development-services-center/documents/Sandstone%20PD%20-%20Fences%20Handout.pdf

2022-07-01 Neighborhood News & Updates

Mad Lit Starts Today July 1st!

Tonight, Mad Lit will return to the top of State Street with shows every other Friday from 8-11 pm. A list of this year’s performers is available now at https://ourgmmc.org/madlit . The first night will feature KIC, Alise Mosely, RSHN 6 and DJ Terrence J.

Parks Alive Continues — Aldo Leopold Park July 5th and Owl Creek Park July 7th! Free Food, Games, and More

Parks Alive is a collaborative effort across multiple City departments and involves many community-based stakeholders and mobile resources. Click on the Parks Division events calendar to see Parks Alive and other events and activities:  https://www.cityofmadison.com/parks/calendar.

Aldo Leopold Park, July 5 – 1pm to 5pm   Directions  Bike  Bus

Owl Creek Park, July 7 – 1pm to 4pm   Directions  Bike  Bus

Allied Park, July 11 – 4pm to 7pm   Directions  Bike  Bus

Worthington Park, July 12- 4pm to 7pm  Directions  Bike  Bus

Warner Park, July 13 – 4pm to 7pm  Directions  Bike  Bus

Penn Park, July 14 – 1pm to 4pm  Directions  Bike  Bus

Streets Division

We’re down to the last week to vote for the name of the compactors at our sites! The election is close, too! If you haven’t voted yet, you still have time.  The election ends on July 5, 2022.  Also, if you haven’t shared this with your social media audiences, you still have time for that, too. The names with the top votes so far …

Trash Compactor 

 Name Points
1.    Rosie the Rubbisher2,391
2.    Crush Farley1,997
3.    Trashy McTrashface1,976
4.    Squashbob Trashpants1,860
5.    Alexander Cramilton1,839

Recycling Compactor

 Name Points
1.    Sir Crushalot1,955
2.    Stone Cold Squeeze Often1,935
3.    George Squashington1,924
4.    Pulverine1,769
5.    Ron Squeezely1,709

Please vote now!